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kRO Patch - 8/16/05 - Expanded Classes


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@Fox - Omg, oni existujou lidi co neumi anglicky? :P tohle cely bych prekladal buhvi jak dlouho


Divny je, ze tomu spiritu priesta nedali neco jako +x% na heal, a misto toho mu dali nejakej dmg na holy xD

Nejvic vyhod dostane v kombinaci se Soul Linkerem asi Alchymista. Yannick se bude radovat :P

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@Fox - Omg, oni existujou lidi co neumi anglicky?  :P tohle cely bych prekladal buhvi jak dlouho


Divny je, ze tomu spiritu priesta nedali neco jako +x% na heal, a misto toho mu dali nejakej dmg na holy xD

Nejvic vyhod dostane v kombinaci se Soul Linkerem asi Alchymista. Yannick se bude radovat :P


jeste ho ani nemame :P

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* Spirit of the Monk (LV 5)

Description: Imbues the Monk with the Spirit of the Monk, giving them special powerful buffs that lasts until the Spirit buff runs out.

1) The Raging Thrust attack becomes 5x5 cell splash attack.
2) SP taken by combo skills are decreased.
3) Even in Fury, they regenerate SP. 

Ze by combo monk zacal byt za pomoci Soul linkera uzitecny i na GW? No kazdopadne i nachystanemu asura monkovi bodne zejmena posledni cast.

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