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Reborn fórum

Vyhody, Nevyhody A Tajemstvi


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4) [/b]Kdyz umrete a zbyva vam 1% do levelu respektive 99%-99,9% base exp, mel by vas ozivit andel, doplnit zivot a dat vam Mental Strength


tomu moc nerozumim..kdyz umres a mas 99% nebo 99.9% po smrti automaticky -1% tak mas vzdy 98% nebo 98.9% tak me vysvetli jak docilit abych umrel a mel 99% :)

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  • 10 months later...
Never give up!

According to hearsay, when a Super Novice's HP reaches 0 when he she is 99.0%-99.9%, their Guardian Angel may appear to refill his HP and cast Mental Strength on the Super Novice. This will not occur again until you relog or level another level.

Jestli to neni tim, ze uz jsi umrel a dostal Angel ress ?


(pokud to by to ressovalo furt dokola tak by agi/str mohl davat bez ztraty % a casu bosse :) )


Undying Love

A Super Novice wife will give +1 for every stat when she uses the marriage skill Undying Love on her husband. Also, the husband's SP recovery will double. However, the wife's Stats will all be reduced by 1. This however only occurs randomly.


Tohle tu funguje ? ;)


The Power of love

A super novice wife will heal her husband for 2x the normal amount.

Tohle vim, ze fungovalo a vysvetluje to proc jsem pred W.ip.em Akiru jeden cas healoval za 4k :)

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(pokud to by to ressovalo furt dokola tak by agi/str mohl davat bez ztraty % a casu bosse :) )



Opravdu mi to takhle fungovalo ale mam int/dex a tak jsem daval jenom devilinga a i to mi trvalo 10-15min

a nahanet jiny bosse s tim moc neslo :) protoze kazdej boss ma teleport a hned po ressu odhypujou do pryc


Od kdy to cca dela?

zjistil jsem to az ve stredu 20.12. (po opatchovani ale tim to snad neni ne)

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  • 1 year later...

chtel bych se zeptat....par veci ohledne Hogh Novice...nikde jsem to nenasel...respektive jsem nasel zminku v qvestech...


da se udelat i treba z guna gladiatora atd?


a pokud ho vytvorim musim jit na povolani ktere jsem byl nebo si muzu vybrat nove?(jakekoliv i expander clasy)

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