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Reborn fórum

kRO Patch - 2/07/06


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The dungeon will be designed differently from existing dungeons, and you can enter this dungeon only if you finish a certain quest. Also, dungeon progression will rely on storyline flow.


Toto ma zaujalo...hlavne to slovo "storyline" (žeby to malo nieÄo spoloÄné so seriálom?)


3. Ice Cave (not yet named) Dungeon


This dungeon will have many many secrets.


Secrets, hmm... /gg


Depending on skills you take, you will be specialized in different things - as you will not be same Ninja as that Ninja next to you. Experience Ninja and Gunslinger, in this test session!


RevoluÄná myÄlienka...:)


All Awakening Potions will be replaced with Grapes.

All Berserk Potions will be replaced by Lemon.


hh, neviem či toto bude aj u nás, ale je to rulezna zmena :D Aspoř sa nebudem musieÂť toÂľko nahářaÂť za ingredienciami na varenie :)


Celkovo to vyzerá dosÂť dobre /no1 /gg

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A eÄte som načiel jednu veÂľmi zaují­mavíş veciÄku :)

Alright, enough talk about the fubar kro economy. How about the ninja and gunslingers? Anyone noticed how they mention that one ninja will be different to the next? I am going to speculate that the ninja and gunslinger will be very much like super novie, one class to 99/50. i base this on my observation of the weapons made for these two classes. There's shuriken, throwing daggers and katanas for ninja. For gunslingers, there are revolvers, rifle, gatling, grenade launcher. So, there must be like multiple paths for a single one class. For eg if you completed the quest that opens the revolver skills, then your gunslinger is stuck being a revolver gunner. How do they implement this? Pretty much like how they made the homunculus skill tree. It can only be unlocked via a quest. It will be pretty much the same with ninja and gunslinger. Each tree can only be unlock via a quest, and once unlocked, you can't open the other trees. That's how you will get multiple ninjas, yet all would be different.


/no1 :)


EDIT: A eÄte som na tom fóre načiel toto :) zbrane pre gunslingera:

click here and :)


Double Bloody Butcher, strieÂľajíşci Cell of Blood :):D:)


Clovece, nequotuj tak dlouhy texty...staci link na cislo ty stranky. Navic, urcite vsechny zajima kolik je zbrani a jakej maji atk kdyz jsou zatim k nicemu.


ok...ale pochybujem že nebudíş nikoho zaují­maÂť. ;)

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Tohle je velký skok, z doby rytí­řu a princezen rovnou do 2 svÄtové.  /omg



hmm, no neviem, u RO je dosÂť zložité určiÂť "dobu" :) Porovnaj si naprí­klad Payon, Amatsu, Einbroch alebo Juperos /...

aj keÄ povolania Âťahali skí´r k tomu fantasy-stredoveku no...:)

(už sa neviem doÄkaÂť kedy budíş po serveri behaÂť gunslingeri...mí´j sa bude volaÂť Vash the Stampede :D )

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1. Skill Redist.


Sakray: Requires 20K Zeny. Can change anytime.

Main Server: 1st Class players that are under L 40 can change anytime for free.



tohle me taky zaujalo. chapu to dobre tak, ze si budu moct menit uz navolene skily??? :D


a chapal bych to treba za 10M ale za 20k?? ze bych si jako pred gw namaxoval neco a na expeni zase neco jineho?

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tohle me taky zaujalo. chapu to dobre tak, ze si budu moct menit uz navolene skily???  :)


a chapal bych to treba za 10M ale za 20k??  ze bych si jako pred gw namaxoval neco a na expeni zase neco jineho?


jenze si nepochopil ze se to tyka testu kvuli tem novym vecem. tady to zavadet nebudeme, neboj :D

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Elunium ? TÄžko, když každý vysedává v Jupe, kde ho padají­ tuny...



ja viem, ale pozri na trh v pronte, oridecon sa predával po 30k, a teraz ho predávajíş za 10k...elunium sa stále drží­ pri 90k, aj keÄ podÂľa toho koÂľko ho je, by jeho cena mala byÂť nižčia...

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Gunslider... n.n Nějak se mi nezdá to 'rytí­ř, knÄz, kovář, křižák (volnÄ přeloženo, prostě Crusader), mnich a... maní­k s pistolí­?' Mám trochu pocit, že se Gravity sekla, ale co už XD



Ve FF to máÄ to samý /heh

Já se náhodou na "maní­ka s pistolí­" docela tÄÄí­m

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