R-e-n Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 jeste nejsou implementovany, ale udivovat se nad jejich schopnostmi muzem :-) // ----------------------- 2006년 신규카드 -------------------------------//2006 new card4332#고철난로카드#Steam engine card4333#베노머스카드#venomus card4334#녹시어스카드#noxious card4335#핏맨카드#pittman card4336#운골리안트카드#ungoliant card4337#폴셀리오카드#porcellio card4338#옵시디언카드#obcedian card4339#미네랄카드#mineral card4340#곰인형카드#teddy bear card4341#메탈링카드#metalling card4342#RSX-0806카드#rsx-0806 card4343#홀덴카드#holden card4344#위레스카드#whires(virus) card4345#힐윈드카드#hillwind card4346#이그니젬세니아카드#ygnizem senia card4347#아르마이어딘제카드#armyer dinje card4348#휘케바인트리스카드#whikebein tris card4349#이렌드에베시카드#erend ebeshi card4350#라우렐뷘더카드#rowrell bwinder card4351#카바크이카루스카드#kabak icarus card4352#보스이그니젬카드#boss ignizem card4353#리무버카드#remover card4354#제미니-S58카드#gemini-s58 card4355#그렘린카드#grelim card4356#비홀더카드#beholder card4357#로드나이트카드#lord knight card4358#세이렌윈저카드#seyren winzer card4359#어쌔신크로스카드#assassin cross card4360#에레메스가일카드#eremes guile card4361#화이트스미스카드#whitesmith card4362#하워드알트아이젠카드#howard alteizen card4363#하이프리스트카드#high pirest card4364#마가레타소린카드#magareta sorin card4365#하이위자드카드#high wizard card4366#카트린느케이론카드#katrinn keironn card4367#스나이퍼카드#sniper card4368#셰실디먼카드#shecil dimun card4369#베나투카드#venatu card4370#디미크카드#dimik card4371#아크담카드#arcdam card4372#백소진카드#bacsojin card4373#청이카드#chung e card4374#베스퍼카드#vesper card4375#오크베이비카드#orc baby card4376#타니아가씨카드#tany lady card4377#그로브카드#grove card4378#골드어시더스카드#gold asidus card4379#블루어시더스카드#blud asidus card4380#레드페러스카드#red ferus card4381#그린페러스카드#green ferus card4382#옐로우노버스카드#yellow ferus card4383#레드노버스카드#red novus card4384#하이드로랜서카드#hydro lancer card4385#드래곤의알카드#dragon egg card4386#디타르데우르스카드#detaledeurus card4387#에인션트미믹카드#ancient mimic card4388#데스워드카드#deathword card4389#플라즈마카드#plasma card4390#산들바람카드#breeze card4391#신벌의대행자카드#Retribution card4392#감시하는자카드#observation card4393#안식을주는자카드#shelter card4394#위로하는자카드#solas card4395#타나토스의슬픔카드#thanatos' sadness card4396#타나토스의증오카드#thanatos' anger card4397#타나토스의절망카드#thanatos' despair card4398#타나토스의고뇌카드#thanatos' suffering card4399#타나토스의기억카드#thanatos' memory card4400#엘리자카드#aliza card4401#엘리셀카드#alicel card4402#엘리엇카드#aliet card4403#키엘-D-01카드#kiel-d-01 card4404#스코글카드#skogul4405#프루스카드#frus card4406#스케골트카드#skeggiold card4407#란드그리스카드#randgris card // ----------------------- 2006년 신규카드 -------------------------------4332#ATK+5INT+1퍼씰, 라이드워드, 쿠키 카드와 함께 장착 시, Str+3, SP+80, 물리공격 시, 1% 확률로 오토스펠 시그넘 크루시스 5스킬 사용, 아수라패황권 대미지 10% 증가, ATK+25.when used with fur seal, rideword, cookie, str+3, sp+80, 1% chance of autospell signum crucis lvl 5 on physical attack, asura damage +10%, atk+25몽크가 착용 시, SP 소모율 10% 감소, 캐스팅이 끊기지 않는다.when monk equips it, sp usage -10%, casting doesn't get interrupted.계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000armor무게 : ^7777771^000000#4333#물리 공격을 받았을 시, 30%의 확률로 적과 자신에게 독을 건다.when you recieve physical attack, poison enemy and yourself at 30% chance계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4334#무속성 공격에 대한 저항 10% 상승. 제련도가 4 이하일 때, 추가로 무속성 공격에 대한 저항 15% 상승.resist against neutral increase by 10%. if refine is 4 or less, 15% addtional neutral resist계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777걸칠것^000000garment무게 : ^7777771^000000#4335#물리 공격을 받았을 시, 30%의 확률로 적과 자신에게 암흑을 건다.when you recieve physical attack, darkness on enemy and yourself at 30% chance계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4336#결코 출혈에 걸리지 않는다. HP 회복력 10% 증가never bleed. hp recovery +10%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777투구^000000helm무게 : ^7777771^000000#4337#ATK+25DEF-5계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4338#VIT가 자신의 순수 DEX/18 만큼 증가vit incresed by your base dex/18계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000armor무게 : ^7777771^000000#4339#ATK-25DEF+5계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4340#불사형 적에게서의 대미지 감소 30%30% reduced damage from (immortal??? ghost?)-type monsters.계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777방패^000000shield무게 : ^7777771^000000#4341#물리 공격 시, 5%의 확률로 스트립 웨폰 1스킬 사용.on physical attack, 5% chance of casting strip weapon lvl 1계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000weapon무게 : ^7777771^000000#4342#Vit+3착용자는 넉백당하지 않는다.user doesn't get knocked back파괴불가.indestructible.계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4343#럭+2luk+2지퍼베어, 아기표범, 레글러, 무카 카드와 함께 장착 시, 메머나이트 대미지 20% 증가, 공격 시 Sp 1 회복, MHP+7%, MSP+7%, STR+4when equipped with zipper bear, baby leopard, raggler, muka card, mamonite damage +20%, recover 1 sp on attack, MHP+7%, MSP+7%, STR+4알케미스트가 착용 시, 물리 공격 시, 1% 확률로 오토스펠 아드레날린 러쉬 1스킬 사용. 몬스터를 잡았을 경우, 일정 확률로 코팅약, 식물의 줄기를 얻는다.when used by alchemist, on physical attack, 1% chance of adrenaline rush lvl 1. when you killed a monster, you gain glittering coat and/or(?) stem at certain chance.계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777투구^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4344#곤충형 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 촉수치즈그라탕을 떨군다.when you killed a insect monster, drops "feeler cheeze gra-soup"(food) at certain chance계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4345#INT가 자신의 순수 STR/18 만큼 증가int increased by your base str/18계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4346#STR이 자신의 순수 INT/18 만큼 증가str increased by your base int/18계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4347#어패류 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 조개탕을 떨군다.when you killed a fish-type monsters, it drops clam soup at certain chance.계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4348#물리 공격 시, 5%의 확률로 스트립 아머 1스킬 사용.on physical attack. 5% chance of strip armor lvl 1스타이너, 배회하는 자, 와일드로즈, 시노비 카드와 함께 장착 시, STR+6, AGI+4, 백스텝 대미지 10% 증가, 스트립 아머 5스킬을 배우고 있을 시, 5% 확률로 오토스펠 스트립 아머 5스킬 사용.when used with stainer, wanderer, wild rose, shinobi card, str +6, agi+4, backstab damage +10%, 5% chance of auto strip armor lvl 5 if you learned strip armor 5%로그가 착용 시, 스킬 사용 시 Sp 소모율 20% 감소. 인티머데이트 오토스펠 사용 안됨.when used by rogue, sp usage on skill decreased by 20%. intimidate doesn't trigger autospell.계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000accessary무게 : ^7777771^000000#4349#물리공격을 받았을 시, 5%의 확률로 오토스펠 흐뉴마 1레벨 시전on physical attack, 5% chance of autospell pneuma lvl 1계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4350#마법 공격으로 적을 죽였을 시, HP 10, SP 10 회복. 착용 해제 시, HP와 SP 100 소실.when you kill a monster with magic attack, recover 10 hp and 10 sp. when you unequip, lose 100 hp and spHP와 SP회복률 20% 감소.hp/sp recovery rate reduced by 20%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4351#DEX가 자신의 순수 VIT/18 만큼 증가dex increased by base vit/18계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4352#보스 이그니젬 카드 (미정)boss ygnizem card (undecided)계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4353#Hp+800. 제련도가 높아질수록 HP 증가폭이 감소한다.hp+800. as refine goes higher, hp increase decreases.HP 회복력 10% 증가hp recovery 10%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4354#순수 Agi가 90 이상일 때, 침묵, 스턴에 대한 저항 30% 증가.if base agi is 90 or higher, 30% resist to silence and stun순수 Vit이 80 이상일 때, 석화, 수면에 대한 내성 50% 증가if base vit is 80 or higher, 50% resist on petrify and sleep계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777투구^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4355#동물형 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 봄버 스테이크를 떨군다.when you kill a animal(brute?)-monster, drops bomber steak at certain chance계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4356#캐스트 캔슬 1 스킬 사용가능enable cast cancel lvl 1계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4357#버서크 1스킬 사용 가능. 스피어부메랑의 대미지가 50% 증가enable berserk lvl 1. spear boomerang damage increased by 50%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777투구^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4358#인간형과 동물형 몬스터에게서의 대미지 감소 20%damage from demi-human and brute reduced by 20%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777방패^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4359#물리공격 시, 1% 확률로 독약병을 소모하여 자신에게 오토스펠 치명적인 독 부여 3스킬 사용on physical attack, 1% chance of using deadly poison to cast autospell deadly enchant poison lvl 3 on you.계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4360#엠펠리움에게 25% 추가 대미지25% addtional damage to emperium계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4361#물리 공격 시, 10%의 확률로 무기 파괴, 7%의 확률로 방어구 파괴on physical attack, 10% chance of breaking weapon. 7% chance of breaking armor계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4362#공속 5% 감소, 명중률 40 증가aspd -5%, hit +40계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4363#물리공격을 받았을 시, 5%의 확률로 오토스펠 세이프티월 4레벨 시전when you receive physical attack, 5% chance of autospell safefy wall lvl 4계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4364#Int + 1마법 공격을 받았을 시, 적에게 15%의 확률로 오토스펠 렉스 디비나 5스킬 사용.when you recieve magical attack, 15% chance of casting autospell lex divina on enemy계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777투구^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4365#Int+3일반 몬스터의 마법 방어력을 무시한다. 캐스팅 시간이 100% 증가한다.ignore mdef of normal monsters. casting time increased by 100%장착 해제 시, SP 2000 감소.when you unequip, sp -2000계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777투구^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4366#투구의 제련도 만큼 % 단위로 캐스팅 시간이 감소한다.reduce casting time in % based on helm refine level계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777투구^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4367#5% 확률로 물리공격 시 20%의 데미지를 HP로 흡수.on physical attack, 5% chance of draining 20% of damage into hpHP회복률 100% 감소hp recovery rate reduced 100%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4368#공속 5% 증가, 명중률 30 감소aspd +5%, hit -30계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4369#LUK이 자신의 순수 AGI/18 만큼 증가luk increased by base agi/18계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4370#악마형과 불사형 몬스터에게서의 대미지 감소 20%reduce damage from demon and immortal(ghost?) by 20%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777방패^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4371#ATK+10, 캐스팅 시간 20% 증가.casting time +20%퍼머터,프리저,히터카드와 같이 장착 시, 셋트효과 Int+1, STR+1, Def+2, SP회복력 10% 증가, 쉴드체인, 세크리파이스 대미지 10% 증가, 캐스팅 시간 10% 감소.when used with femuter, freezer, heater, set bonus: int+1, str+1, def+2, sp recov +10%, shield chain/sacrifice damage +10%, casting time -10%크루세이더 착용 시, 갑옷에 성속성 부여.when used by crusader, gives holy property on armor계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4372#백소진 옵션 미정bacsojin option undecided계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4373#악마형과 동물형 몬스터에게서의 대미지 감소 20%reduce damages from demon and animal by 20%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777방패^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4374#베스퍼 카드 옵션 미정vesper card option undecided계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4375#무속성 공격에 대한 저항 10%, 회피율 +10.resist on neutral +10%. flee +109제련 이상일 때, 추가로 무속성 저항 +5%, 회피 +5when refine level is 9 or higher, additional resist on neutral +5%, flee +5계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777걸칠것^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4376#MHP 50% 감소, MSP 50% 증가.recude mhp by 50%. increase msp 50%몬스터를 잡았을 시, 2%확률로 바나나 드롭. 바나나의 회복률 100% 상승when you kill a monster, 2% chance of dropping banana. banana's recovery rate +100%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777신발^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4377#무형 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 후르츠 믹스를 떨군다.when you kill formless monster, drops fruits mix at certain chance계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4378#MAXHP, MAXSP 4% 증가.increase maxhp/maxsp by 4%제련도가 4 이하일 때, 추가로 MAXHP, MAXSP 4% 씩 증가. HP 및 SP 회복력 5% 증가.if refine is 4 or less, increase mhp/msp by additional 5%. hp/sp recovery increased by 5%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777신발^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4379#SP + 40.제련도가 4 이하일 때, 추가로 SP + 40, Sp 회복력 5% 증가.if refine is 4 or less, additional sp+40. sp recovery increased by 5%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777투구^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4380#회피+10flee + 10장비의 제련도가 4 이하일 때, 추가로 회피+10. 완전회피 + 1if refine is 4 or less, addtional flee+20. perfect flee +1계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777걸칠것^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4381#Vit+1, MAXHP+10%아놀리안, 드래곤테일, 머맨, 엘리게이터 카드와 함께 장착 시, Dex+5, 애로우 발칸 대미지 5% 증가, 뮤지컬 스트라이크, 화살감아 던지기 대미지 10% 증가.when used with anolian, dragon tail, merman, alligator card, dex+5, increase arrow vulcan damage by 5%, musical strike/arrow sling damage increased by 10%바드, 댄서가 착용 시, 물리 데미지를 입었을 때, 5% 확률로 적에게 오토스펠 타로카드 2스킬 사용.when used by bard or dancer, on physical attack, 5% chance of auto spell tarot card lvl 2 on enemy계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777신발^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4382#물리 공격을 받았을 시, 30%의 확률로 적과 자신에게 혼란을 건다.when you receive physical attack, 30% chance of casting chaos on you and enemy계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4383#HP+500, HP 회복력 10% 증가.hp+500, hp recovery +10%요선녀, 하피, 미야비인형, 혈호접 카드와 함께 착용 시, 헤븐즈 드라이브, 선더스톰의 대미지 10% 증가, Int+3when used with evil nymph, harpy, miyabi doll, blood butterfly cards, heaven's drive, thunder storm damage +10%, int +3세이지가 착용 시, 마법반사 확률 20% 증가, 몬스터를 죽일 때 마다 1% 확률로 레드젬스톤, 옐로우 젬스톤 드롭. 캐스팅 시간 20% 감소.when used by sage, chance of reflecting magic +20%, when you kill a monster, 1% chance of dropping red or yellow gemstone. casting time reduced by 20%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4384#물리공격 시, 10%의 확률로 적에게 오토스펠 스펠 브레이커 1레벨 시전on physical attack, 10% chance of casting autospell spellbreaker lvl 1 on enemy계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4385#용족 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 허브꿀차를 떨군다.when you kill dragon monster, drops herb honey tea on certain chance계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4386#절대 동빙되지 않는다.can not be frozen마법 공격을 받았을 시, 5%의 확률로 랜드 프로텍션 1레벨 발동when you recieve physical attack, 5% chance of casting land protection lvl 1계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4387#AGI가 자신의 순수 LUK/18 만큼 증가agi increased by base luk/18계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4388#물리 공격을 받았을 시, 30%의 확률로 적과 자신에게 저주를 건다.when you recieve physical attack, 30% chance of casting curse on you and enemy계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4389#몬스터 사망 시 일정 확률로 속성저항 포션이 드롭된다.on monster's death, drops resist potions at certain chance계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4390#ATK + 5적 공격 시, 5%의 확률로 출혈에 걸리게 한다.when you attack enemy, 5% chance of bleed계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4391#천사형 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 맛탕을 떨군다.when you kill angel-type monsters, drops tasty-soup? at certain chance계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4392#천사형 몬스터를 잡았을 경우 일정 확률로 성수를 드롭한다.when you kill angel-type monster, drops holy water at certain chance계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4393#악마형 몬스터를 잡았을 경우 일정 확률로 암수를 드롭한다.when you kill demon-type monster, drops dark water at certain chance계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4394#프리스트가 장착 시, 물리공격 시 1% 확률로 오토스펠 그랜드 크로스 5스킬 발동.when used by priest, on physical attack, 1% chance of casting auto-spell grand cross lvl 5계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4395#Atk + 5물리공격 시, 5%의 확률로 오토스펠 민첩성 감소 3레벨 시전on physical attack, 5% chance of auto spell decrease agi lvl 3계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4396#인간형과 곤충형 몬스터에게서의 대미지 감소 20%reduce damage from demi-human and insect by 20%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777방패^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4397#악마형과 천사형 몬스터에게서의 대미지 감소 20%계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777방패^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4398#마법공격 시, 암속성 적에게 3% 추가 마법 대미지계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4399#무기에 침투경 효과 부여apply investigate on weapon매 공격 시, SP 1소모.on every attack, uses 1 spDEF-30, FLEE-30.계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4400#물리공격을 받았을 시, 5% 확률로 오토스펠 매혹의 윙크 발동when you recieve physical attack, 5% chance of autospell wind of charm댄서가 착용 시, 10% 확률로 발동when used by dancer, 10% chance of autospell계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4401#회피 +10flee +10DEF -5계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4402#엘리엇 카드 옵션 미정aliat card option undecided계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4403#키엘(보스) 카드 옵션 미정kiel(boss) card option undecided계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4404#물리 공격을 받았을 시, 30%의 확률로 적과 자신에게 출혈을 건다.on physical attack, 30% of bleed on you and enemy계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4405#프루스 카드 옵션 미정prus card option undecided계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4406#마법공격 시, 성속성 적에게 10% 추가 마법 대미지.on magic attack, 10% additional magic damage against holy monsters계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#4407#물리공격 시 10% 확률로 오토스펠 디스펠 1레벨 발동on physical attack, 10% chance of casting autospell dispel lvl 1계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
k3dT Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 Neni problem je implementovat... zadny novy funkce az na to ignorovani mdef Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Maul Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 By bylo super Nektery se mi zalibily Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kozel Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 4360#엠펠리움에게 25% 추가 대미지25% addtional damage to emperium계열 : ^777777카드^000000장착 : ^777777무기^000000무게 : ^7777771^000000#Oh no?! /ggA chtÄl sem se zeptat : Jakýho nejvyÄÄího (teoreticky) Perfect dodge se dá s equipem a staty dosáhnout? (konkrétnÄ např za Sina se dvÄma Fortune Swordama, 2x yoyo, chocko karta atd atd...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gell Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 No sice to sem vůbec, ale vůbec nepatří ..sinX:luk 99 + 8 job + 2 bunny band + 3 baby leopard + 2x5 fortune sword + 5 crystal pumps + 2x1 rosary + 30 gloria = 99+60 luklucky dodge: 2x 20 fortune sword + 10 choco + 2x 5 yoyoV tuhle chvíli to vychází na 71,9% lucky dodge. DalÄí zvednutí už asi jen perfect tablature od barda, která dává 5% lucky dodge a mají na ni vliv musical lessons a LUK barda. Mohlo by to dávat tak 5 + 5 + "blíž neurÄené Äíslo", řekl bych 5~10. Celkem tedy něco kolem 90% lucky dodge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest barbar_6 Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 Hmmm vypada moc zajimave, uz se tesim.Ovsem se svym stestim budu rad kdyz alespon jednu z nich uvidim. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroX Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 Neco pro monka? Fakt se mi nechce ztracet cas prohledavanim toho dlouhyho seznamu. Edit: Nechapu, proc si sem davala korejskej original, kterymu stejne nikdo nerozumi Waste Stove CardATK + 5, INT + 1[+ Rideword, Cookie & Seal]• STR + 3, SP + 80.• ATK + 25• Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 1 Signum Crucis an enemy when attacking.• Inflict 10% more damage with Asura Strike.[Monk, Champion]• Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 10%.• Spell casting cannot be interrupted.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Venomous CardAdd a 30% chance of auto casting 'Poison' on an enemy and yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Noxious CardIncrease resistance to Neutral property attacks by 10%.[Refine Rate 0~4]Increase resistance to Neutral property attacks by an addtional 15%.Class : CardCompound on : GarmentWeight : 1 Pitman CardAdd a 30% chance of auto casting 'Blind' on an enemy and yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Ungoliant CardGain immunity to the External Bleeding status.HP recovery + 10%Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1 Porcellio CardATK + 25DEF - 5Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Obsidian CardVIT is increased by your Base DEX/18Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Mineral CardATK - 25DEF + 5Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Teddy Bear CardReduce damage from Ghost monsters by 30%.Class : CardCompound on : ShieldWeight : 1 Metaling CardAdd a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Strip Weapon on enemy when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 RSX 0806 CardVit + 3Cannot be knocked back.Make an armor indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Holden CardLUK + 2[+ Raggler, Zipper Bear, Muka & Baby Leopard]• STR + 4• Maximum HP + 7%• Maximum SP + 7%• Inflict 20% more damage with Mamonite.• Gain 1 SP every time when doing Physical Attack on monsters.[Alchemist, Creator]• Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 1 Adrenaline Rush on the user when attacking.• Add the chance of gaining "Glistening Coat" or "Stem" each time a monster is killed.Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1 Anopheles CardAdd the chance of gaining 'Tentacle and Cheese Gratin' each time a Insect monster is killed.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Hill Wind CardINT is increased by your Base STR/18Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Egnigem Cenia CardSTR is increased by your Base INT/18Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Armeyer Dinze CardAdd the chance of gaining 'Clam Soup' each time a Fish monster is killed.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Wikebine Tres CardAdd a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Strip Armor on enemy when attacking.[+ Stainer, Wanderer, Wild Rose & Shinobi]• STR + 6• AGI + 4• Inflict 10% more damage with Back Stab.• Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 5 Strip Armor on enemy when attacking if the user has mastered the skill at level 5.[Rogue, Stalker]• Wanderer cards Intimidate Auto-Spell will not function.• Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 20%.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Errende Ebecee CardAdd a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Pneuma on the user when receiving Physical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Laurell Weinder CardGain 10 HP and SP each time a monster is killed by a Magic Attack.Drain 100 HP and SP as the armor is unequipped.HP and SP recovery - 20%Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Kavach Icarus CardDEX is increased by your Base VIT/18Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 General Egnigem Cenia CardGeneral Egnigem Cenia Card. Card Effect undecided.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Remover CardHP + 800. Decreases the higher the Refine Rate.HP Recovery + 20%Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Gemini-S58 CardAdd 30% resistance against Silance and Stun if the user has 90 or more base AGI points.Add 50% resistance against Stone Curse and Sleep if the user has 80 or more base VIT points.Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1 Gremlin CardAdd the chance of gaining 'Bomber Steak' each time a Brute monster is killed.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Beholder CardEnables use of Level 1 Cast Cancel.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Lord Knight CardEnables use of Level 1 Berserk.Inflict 50% more damage with Spear Boomerang.Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1 Seyren Windsor CardReduce damage from DemiHuman and Brute monsters by 20%.Class : CardCompound on : ShieldWeight : 1 Assassin Cross CardAdd a 1% chance of using a Poison Bottle and auto casting Level 3 Enchant Deadly Poison on the user when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Eremes Guile CardIncrease damage inflicted on the Emperium by 25%.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Whitesmith CardAdd a 10% chance of breaking the enemy's weapon and a 7% chance of breaking the enemy's armor when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Howard Alt-Eisen CardDecrease Attack Speed by 5%.Accuracy + 40.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 High Priest CardAdd a 5% chance of auto casting Level 4 Safety Wall on the user when receiving Physical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Margaretha Solin CardINT + 1Add a 15% chance of auto casting Level 5 Lex Divina on the enemy when receiving Magical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1 High Wizard CardINT + 3Ignore normal monster's Magic Defense when attacking.Increase Casting Time by 100%.Drain 2000 SP as the headgear is unequipped.Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1 Kathryne Keyron CardReduce Casting Time in % based on the Refine Rate of the Headgear.Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1 Sniper CardDisable natural HP Recovery.Enable a 5% chance of gaining 20% of the damage inflicted on an enemy as HP with each attack.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Cecil Damon CardIncrease Attack Speed by 5%.Accuracy - 30.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Venatu CardLUK is increased by your Base AGI/18Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Dimik CardReduce damage from Demon and Ghost monsters by 20%.Class : CardCompound on : ShieldWeight : 1 Archdam CardATK + 10Increase Casting Time by 20%.[+ Permeter, Freezer & Heater]• INT + 1• STR + 1• DEF + 2• SP Recovery + 10%• Inflict 10% more damage with Shield Chain and Sacrifice.• Decrease Casting Time by 10%.[Crusader, Paladin]• Blesses an Armor with the Holy property.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Bacsojin CardBacsojin Card. Card Effect undecided.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Chung E CardReduce damage from Demon and Brute monsters by 20%.Class : CardCompound on : ShieldWeight : 1 Vesper CardVesper Card. Card Effect undecided.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Orc Baby CardIncrease resistance to Neutral property attacks by 10%.Flee Rate + 10.[Refine Rate 9~10]Increase resistance to Neutral property attacks by 5%.Flee Rate + 5.Class : CardCompound on : GarmentWeight : 1 Lady Tany CardMaximum HP - 50%Maximum SP + 50%Add a 2% chance of gaining 'Banana' each time a monster is killed.Double Banana's recovery rate.Class : CardCompound on : FootgearWeight : 1 그로브 Card - Grove Card - No Idea ^ (Monemus? Green Iguana?)Add the chance of gaining 'Fruit Punch' item each time a Formless monster is killed.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Gold Acidus CardMaximum HP and SP + 4%[Refine Rate 0~4]Maximum HP and SP + 5%HP and SP Recovery + 5%Class : CardCompound on : FootgearWeight : 1 Blue Acidus CardSP + 40.[Refine Rate 0~4]SP + 40.SP Recovery + 5%Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1 Red Ferus CardFlee Rate + 10[Refine Rate 0~4]Flee Rate + 20Perfect Dodge + 1Class : CardCompound on : GarmentWeight : 1 Green Ferus CardVIT + 1Maximum HP + 10%[+ Merman, Anolian, Alligator & Dragon Tail]• DEX + 5• Inflict 5% more damage with Arrow Vulcan and inflict 10% more damage with Musical Strike and Throw Arrow.[bard, Dancer, Clown, Gypsy]Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 2 Tarot Card of Fate on the enemy when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : FootgearWeight : 1 Yellow Novus CardAdd a 30% chance of auto casting 'Chaos' on an enemy and yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Red Novus CardHP + 500HP Recovery + 10%[+ Miyabi Doll, Evil Nymph, Harpy & Bloody Butterfly]• INT + 3• Inflict 10% more damage with Heaven's Drive and Thunder Storm.[sage, Professor]• Reflect single target Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 20%).• Add a 1% chance of gaining 'Red Gemstone' or 'Yellow Gemstone' item each time a monster is killed.• Reduce Casting Time by 20%.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Hydro CardAdd a 10% chance of auto casting Level 1 Spell Breaker on the enemy when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Dragon Egg CardAdd the chance of gaining 'Herb and Honey Tea' item each time a Dragon monster is killed.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Detale CardGain protection from the Frozen status.Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Land Protector when the user receives Physical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Ancient Mimic CardAGI is increased by your Base LUK/18Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Deathword CardAdd a 30% chance of auto casting 'Curse' on an enemy and yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Plasma CardAdd the chance of gaining 'Elemental Resist Potion' each time a monster is killed.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Breeze CardATK + 5Add a 5% chance of auto casting 'External Bleeding' when attacking the enemy.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Retribution CardAdd the chance of gaining 'Fried Sweet Potato with Syrup' each time a Angel monster is killed.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Observation CardAdd the chance of gaining 'Holy Water' each time a Angel monster is killed.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Shelter CardAdd the chance of gaining 'Cursed Water' each time a Demon monster is killed.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Solace Card[Priest, High Priest]Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 5 Grand Cross when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Thanatos Maero CardATK + 5Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 3 Decrease Agility when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Thanatos Odium CardReduce damage from DemiHuman and Insect monsters by 20%.Class : CardCompound on : ShieldWeight : 1 Thanatos Despero CardReduce damage from Demon and Angel monsters by 20%.Class : CardCompound on : ShieldWeight : 1 Thanatos Dolor CardIncrease damage of magic attacks inflicted on Shadow property by 3%.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Thanatos Card무기에 침투경 효과 부여apply investigate on weapon Drain 1 SP each time the user is attacking.DEF - 30, Flee Rate - 30.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Aliza CardAdd a 5% chance of auto casting Wink of Charm on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.[Dancer, Gypsy]Auto cast chance increases to 10%Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Alicel CardFlee Rate + 10DEF - 5Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Aliot CardAliot Card. Card Effect undecided.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Kiel D-01 CardKiel D-01 Card. Card Effect undecided.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Skogul CardAdd a 30% chance of auto casting 'External Bleeding' on an enemy and yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Frus CardFrus Card. Card Effect undecided.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Skeggiold CardIncrease damage of magic attacks inflicted on Holy property by 10%.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Valkyrie Randgris CardAdd a 10% chance of auto casting Level 1 Dispell when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroX Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 No, jinak, kdyz uz je teda tenhle topic, tak to hodim sem. GMka doufam prominou double post 18/04/2006 Kro Patch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quargi Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 Může mi nÄkdo prosím vysvÄtlit efekt thanatos karty?? Nějak sem nepochopil to s tím investigate...to má být jako vyÄetřování nebo co :xD. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroX Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 Investigate je taky kRO nazev pro occult impact. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
R-e-n Posted April 18, 2006 Author Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 korejsky to vypada duleziteji :-)... navic, kdyz sem to postovala z jednoho nahodne nasleho topicu.. tak tam jeste anglicky preklad ouplny nebyl .-P edit: navic ten preklad asi nebude tak zcela spravny... Green Ferus Card combo je neproveditelna.. kdyz merman a green ferus oboje jdou do footgearu O_o Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
busva Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 Hill Wind CardINT is increased by your Base STR/18Class : CardCompound on : ArmorWeight : 1 Uz vime pravej duvod, proc si wizny davali STR Ale...me vysla max int u H.wizny 177, to by uz celkem slo (: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroX Posted April 18, 2006 Report Share Posted April 18, 2006 korejsky to vypada duleziteji :-)... navic, kdyz sem to postovala z jednoho nahodne nasleho topicu.. tak tam jeste anglicky preklad ouplny nebyl .-P26695[/snapback]Hehe, jsem te dostal, co? XP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Maul Posted April 19, 2006 Report Share Posted April 19, 2006 Lord Knight CardEnables use of Level 1 Berserk.Inflict 50% more damage with Spear Boomerang.Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1 Seyren Windsor CardReduce damage from DemiHuman and Brute monsters by 20%.Class : CardCompound on : ShieldWeight : 1Assassin Cross CardAdd a 1% chance of using a Poison Bottle and auto casting Level 3 Enchant Deadly Poison on the user when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Eremes Guile CardIncrease damage inflicted on the Emperium by 25%.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1Whitesmith CardAdd a 10% chance of breaking the enemy's weapon and a 7% chance of breaking the enemy's armor when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Howard Alt-Eisen CardDecrease Attack Speed by 5%.Accuracy + 40.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1High Priest CardAdd a 5% chance of auto casting Level 4 Safety Wall on the user when receiving Physical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : AccessoryWeight : 1 Margaretha Solin CardINT + 1Add a 15% chance of auto casting Level 5 Lex Divina on the enemy when receiving Magical Damage.Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1High Wizard CardINT + 3Ignore normal monster's Magic Defense when attacking.Increase Casting Time by 100%.Drain 2000 SP as the headgear is unequipped.Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1 Kathryne Keyron CardReduce Casting Time in % based on the Refine Rate of the Headgear.Class : CardCompound on : HeadgearWeight : 1Sniper CardDisable natural HP Recovery.Enable a 5% chance of gaining 20% of the damage inflicted on an enemy as HP with each attack.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Cecil Damon CardIncrease Attack Speed by 5%.Accuracy - 30.Class : CardCompound on : WeaponWeight : 1 Muze mi nekdo nastinit, jaky je rozdil, mezi temahle dvojcema karet?Imho se to tyka jednech monster. edit: aj, uplne sem zapomel ze tam ma byt este boss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
R-e-n Posted April 19, 2006 Author Report Share Posted April 19, 2006 normalni monstrum v laborce X boss toho povolani Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darek4 Posted April 19, 2006 Report Share Posted April 19, 2006 Chtel bych se zeptat, jsem slepej, nebo se zase vyprdli na kartu/karetni kombopro sage a profesora? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gell Posted April 19, 2006 Report Share Posted April 19, 2006 Slepej Red Novus Card HP + 500 HP Recovery + 10% [+ Miyabi Doll, Evil Nymph, Harpy & Bloody Butterfly] • INT + 3 • Inflict 10% more damage with Heaven's Drive and Thunder Storm. [Sage, Professor] • Reflect single target Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 20%). • Add a 1% chance of gaining 'Red Gemstone' or 'Yellow Gemstone' item each time a monster is killed. • Reduce Casting Time by 20%. Class : Card Compound on : Armor Weight : 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raukoras Posted April 19, 2006 Report Share Posted April 19, 2006 Já tam spíÄ nenaÄel nic pro sinX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darek4 Posted April 19, 2006 Report Share Posted April 19, 2006 bezvaaaaaaaa /rice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZeroX Posted April 19, 2006 Report Share Posted April 19, 2006 Já tam spíÄ nenaÄel nic pro sinX26892[/snapback]No, mam pocit, ze tohle pridani karet bylo zamereny na 2-2 povolani, resp. ty comba. Takze teoreticky by nejaky combo pro sinXe melo uz byt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raukoras Posted April 19, 2006 Report Share Posted April 19, 2006 Aha, tak to asi bude to starÄí kombo paper card + dalÄí. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oggi Posted April 20, 2006 Report Share Posted April 20, 2006 Green Ferus CardVIT + 1Maximum HP + 10%[+ Merman, Anolian, Alligator & Dragon Tail]• DEX + 5• Inflict 5% more damage with Arrow Vulcan and inflict 10% more damage with Musical Strike and Throw Arrow.[bard, Dancer, Clown, Gypsy]Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 2 Tarot Card of Fate on the enemy when attacking.Class : CardCompound on : FootgearWeight : 1 no jen me napadlo to budou dvou slotove botky vsak merman je take do bot ¨a nebo je tam chyba a Green Ferus bude na hlavu pak omg co dela 10% hp ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
R-e-n Posted April 20, 2006 Author Report Share Posted April 20, 2006 jj, to uz sem psala, ze ten preklad asi nebude tak zcela spravne.. bo upravy konecne :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scorpio Posted April 20, 2006 Report Share Posted April 20, 2006 Kazdopadne to bude sranda a chci se jen zeptat, budou na rebornu? a kdy? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
R-e-n Posted April 20, 2006 Author Report Share Posted April 20, 2006 neni to ani na kro :-) zatim... teoreticky az po ninja a gunslinger (tam je ted kro) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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