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jeste nejsou implementovany, ale udivovat se nad jejich schopnostmi muzem :-)



// ----------------------- 2006년 신규카드 -------------------------------

//2006 new card

4332#고철난로카드#Steam engine card

4333#베노머스카드#venomus card

4334#녹시어스카드#noxious card

4335#핏맨카드#pittman card

4336#운골리안트카드#ungoliant card

4337#폴셀리오카드#porcellio card

4338#옵시디언카드#obcedian card

4339#미네랄카드#mineral card

4340#곰인형카드#teddy bear card

4341#메탈링카드#metalling card

4342#RSX-0806카드#rsx-0806 card

4343#홀덴카드#holden card

4344#위레스카드#whires(virus) card

4345#힐윈드카드#hillwind card

4346#이그니젬세니아카드#ygnizem senia card

4347#아르마이어딘제카드#armyer dinje card

4348#휘케바인트리스카드#whikebein tris card

4349#이렌드에베시카드#erend ebeshi card

4350#라우렐뷘더카드#rowrell bwinder card

4351#카바크이카루스카드#kabak icarus card

4352#보스이그니젬카드#boss ignizem card

4353#리무버카드#remover card

4354#제미니-S58카드#gemini-s58 card

4355#그렘린카드#grelim card

4356#비홀더카드#beholder card

4357#로드나이트카드#lord knight card

4358#세이렌윈저카드#seyren winzer card

4359#어쌔신크로스카드#assassin cross card

4360#에레메스가일카드#eremes guile card

4361#화이트스미스카드#whitesmith card

4362#하워드알트아이젠카드#howard alteizen card

4363#하이프리스트카드#high pirest card

4364#마가레타소린카드#magareta sorin card

4365#하이위자드카드#high wizard card

4366#카트린느케이론카드#katrinn keironn card

4367#스나이퍼카드#sniper card

4368#셰실디먼카드#shecil dimun card

4369#베나투카드#venatu card

4370#디미크카드#dimik card

4371#아크담카드#arcdam card

4372#백소진카드#bacsojin card

4373#청이카드#chung e card

4374#베스퍼카드#vesper card

4375#오크베이비카드#orc baby card

4376#타니아가씨카드#tany lady card

4377#그로브카드#grove card

4378#골드어시더스카드#gold asidus card

4379#블루어시더스카드#blud asidus card

4380#레드페러스카드#red ferus card

4381#그린페러스카드#green ferus card

4382#옐로우노버스카드#yellow ferus card

4383#레드노버스카드#red novus card

4384#하이드로랜서카드#hydro lancer card

4385#드래곤의알카드#dragon egg card

4386#디타르데우르스카드#detaledeurus card

4387#에인션트미믹카드#ancient mimic card

4388#데스워드카드#deathword card

4389#플라즈마카드#plasma card

4390#산들바람카드#breeze card

4391#신벌의대행자카드#Retribution card

4392#감시하는자카드#observation card

4393#안식을주는자카드#shelter card

4394#위로하는자카드#solas card

4395#타나토스의슬픔카드#thanatos' sadness card

4396#타나토스의증오카드#thanatos' anger card

4397#타나토스의절망카드#thanatos' despair card

4398#타나토스의고뇌카드#thanatos' suffering card

4399#타나토스의기억카드#thanatos' memory card

4400#엘리자카드#aliza card

4401#엘리셀카드#alicel card

4402#엘리엇카드#aliet card

4403#키엘-D-01카드#kiel-d-01 card


4405#프루스카드#frus card

4406#스케골트카드#skeggiold card

4407#란드그리스카드#randgris card



// ----------------------- 2006년 신규카드 -------------------------------




퍼씰, 라이드워드, 쿠키 카드와 함께 장착 시, Str+3, SP+80, 물리공격 시, 1% 확률로 오토스펠 시그넘 크루시스 5스킬 사용, 아수라패황권 대미지 10% 증가, ATK+25.

when used with fur seal, rideword, cookie, str+3, sp+80, 1% chance of autospell signum crucis lvl 5 on physical attack, asura damage +10%, atk+25

몽크가 착용 시, SP 소모율 10% 감소, 캐스팅이 끊기지 않는다.

when monk equips it, sp usage -10%, casting doesn't get interrupted.

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000armor

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리 공격을 받았을 시, 30%의 확률로 적과 자신에게 독을 건다.

when you recieve physical attack, poison enemy and yourself at 30% chance

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



무속성 공격에 대한 저항 10% 상승. 제련도가 4 이하일 때, 추가로 무속성 공격에 대한 저항 15% 상승.

resist against neutral increase by 10%. if refine is 4 or less, 15% addtional neutral resist

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777걸칠것^000000garment

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리 공격을 받았을 시, 30%의 확률로 적과 자신에게 암흑을 건다.

when you recieve physical attack, darkness on enemy and yourself at 30% chance

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



결코 출혈에 걸리지 않는다. HP 회복력 10% 증가

never bleed. hp recovery +10%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777투구^000000helm

무게 : ^7777771^000000





계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



VIT가 자신의 순수 DEX/18 만큼 증가

vit incresed by your base dex/18

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000armor

무게 : ^7777771^000000





계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



불사형 적에게서의 대미지 감소 30%

30% reduced damage from (immortal??? ghost?)-type monsters.

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777방패^000000shield

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리 공격 시, 5%의 확률로 스트립 웨폰 1스킬 사용.

on physical attack, 5% chance of casting strip weapon lvl 1

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000weapon

무게 : ^7777771^000000




착용자는 넉백당하지 않는다.

user doesn't get knocked back



계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000





지퍼베어, 아기표범, 레글러, 무카 카드와 함께 장착 시, 메머나이트 대미지 20% 증가, 공격 시 Sp 1 회복, MHP+7%, MSP+7%, STR+4

when equipped with zipper bear, baby leopard, raggler, muka card, mamonite damage +20%, recover 1 sp on attack, MHP+7%, MSP+7%, STR+4

알케미스트가 착용 시, 물리 공격 시, 1% 확률로 오토스펠 아드레날린 러쉬 1스킬 사용. 몬스터를 잡았을 경우, 일정 확률로 코팅약, 식물의 줄기를 얻는다.

when used by alchemist, on physical attack, 1% chance of adrenaline rush lvl 1. when you killed a monster, you gain glittering coat and/or(?) stem at certain chance.

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777투구^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



곤충형 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 촉수치즈그라탕을 떨군다.

when you killed a insect monster, drops "feeler cheeze gra-soup"(food) at certain chance

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



INT가 자신의 순수 STR/18 만큼 증가

int increased by your base str/18

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



STR이 자신의 순수 INT/18 만큼 증가

str increased by your base int/18

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



어패류 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 조개탕을 떨군다.

when you killed a fish-type monsters, it drops clam soup at certain chance.

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리 공격 시, 5%의 확률로 스트립 아머 1스킬 사용.

on physical attack. 5% chance of strip armor lvl 1

스타이너, 배회하는 자, 와일드로즈, 시노비 카드와 함께 장착 시, STR+6, AGI+4, 백스텝 대미지 10% 증가, 스트립 아머 5스킬을 배우고 있을 시, 5% 확률로 오토스펠 스트립 아머 5스킬 사용.

when used with stainer, wanderer, wild rose, shinobi card, str +6, agi+4, backstab damage +10%, 5% chance of auto strip armor lvl 5 if you learned strip armor 5%

로그가 착용 시, 스킬 사용 시 Sp 소모율 20% 감소. 인티머데이트 오토스펠 사용 안됨.

when used by rogue, sp usage on skill decreased by 20%. intimidate doesn't trigger autospell.

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000accessary

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리공격을 받았을 시, 5%의 확률로 오토스펠 흐뉴마 1레벨 시전

on physical attack, 5% chance of autospell pneuma lvl 1

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



마법 공격으로 적을 죽였을 시, HP 10, SP 10 회복. 착용 해제 시, HP와 SP 100 소실.

when you kill a monster with magic attack, recover 10 hp and 10 sp. when you unequip, lose 100 hp and sp

HP와 SP회복률 20% 감소.

hp/sp recovery rate reduced by 20%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



DEX가 자신의 순수 VIT/18 만큼 증가

dex increased by base vit/18

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



보스 이그니젬 카드 (미정)

boss ygnizem card (undecided)

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



Hp+800. 제련도가 높아질수록 HP 증가폭이 감소한다.

hp+800. as refine goes higher, hp increase decreases.

HP 회복력 10% 증가

hp recovery 10%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



순수 Agi가 90 이상일 때, 침묵, 스턴에 대한 저항 30% 증가.

if base agi is 90 or higher, 30% resist to silence and stun

순수 Vit이 80 이상일 때, 석화, 수면에 대한 내성 50% 증가

if base vit is 80 or higher, 50% resist on petrify and sleep

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777투구^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



동물형 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 봄버 스테이크를 떨군다.

when you kill a animal(brute?)-monster, drops bomber steak at certain chance

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



캐스트 캔슬 1 스킬 사용가능

enable cast cancel lvl 1

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



버서크 1스킬 사용 가능. 스피어부메랑의 대미지가 50% 증가

enable berserk lvl 1. spear boomerang damage increased by 50%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777투구^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



인간형과 동물형 몬스터에게서의 대미지 감소 20%

damage from demi-human and brute reduced by 20%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777방패^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리공격 시, 1% 확률로 독약병을 소모하여 자신에게 오토스펠 치명적인 독 부여 3스킬 사용

on physical attack, 1% chance of using deadly poison to cast autospell deadly enchant poison lvl 3 on you.

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



엠펠리움에게 25% 추가 대미지

25% addtional damage to emperium

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리 공격 시, 10%의 확률로 무기 파괴, 7%의 확률로 방어구 파괴

on physical attack, 10% chance of breaking weapon. 7% chance of breaking armor

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



공속 5% 감소, 명중률 40 증가

aspd -5%, hit +40

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리공격을 받았을 시, 5%의 확률로 오토스펠 세이프티월 4레벨 시전

when you receive physical attack, 5% chance of autospell safefy wall lvl 4

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



Int + 1

마법 공격을 받았을 시, 적에게 15%의 확률로 오토스펠 렉스 디비나 5스킬 사용.

when you recieve magical attack, 15% chance of casting autospell lex divina on enemy

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777투구^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000




일반 몬스터의 마법 방어력을 무시한다. 캐스팅 시간이 100% 증가한다.

ignore mdef of normal monsters. casting time increased by 100%

장착 해제 시, SP 2000 감소.

when you unequip, sp -2000

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777투구^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



투구의 제련도 만큼 % 단위로 캐스팅 시간이 감소한다.

reduce casting time in % based on helm refine level

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777투구^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



5% 확률로 물리공격 시 20%의 데미지를 HP로 흡수.

on physical attack, 5% chance of draining 20% of damage into hp

HP회복률 100% 감소

hp recovery rate reduced 100%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



공속 5% 증가, 명중률 30 감소

aspd +5%, hit -30

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



LUK이 자신의 순수 AGI/18 만큼 증가

luk increased by base agi/18

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



악마형과 불사형 몬스터에게서의 대미지 감소 20%

reduce damage from demon and immortal(ghost?) by 20%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777방패^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



ATK+10, 캐스팅 시간 20% 증가.

casting time +20%

퍼머터,프리저,히터카드와 같이 장착 시, 셋트효과 Int+1, STR+1, Def+2, SP회복력 10% 증가, 쉴드체인, 세크리파이스 대미지 10% 증가, 캐스팅 시간 10% 감소.

when used with femuter, freezer, heater, set bonus: int+1, str+1, def+2, sp recov +10%, shield chain/sacrifice damage +10%, casting time -10%

크루세이더 착용 시, 갑옷에 성속성 부여.

when used by crusader, gives holy property on armor

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



백소진 옵션 미정

bacsojin option undecided

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



악마형과 동물형 몬스터에게서의 대미지 감소 20%

reduce damages from demon and animal by 20%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777방패^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



베스퍼 카드 옵션 미정

vesper card option undecided

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



무속성 공격에 대한 저항 10%, 회피율 +10.

resist on neutral +10%. flee +10

9제련 이상일 때, 추가로 무속성 저항 +5%, 회피 +5

when refine level is 9 or higher, additional resist on neutral +5%, flee +5

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777걸칠것^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



MHP 50% 감소, MSP 50% 증가.

recude mhp by 50%. increase msp 50%

몬스터를 잡았을 시, 2%확률로 바나나 드롭. 바나나의 회복률 100% 상승

when you kill a monster, 2% chance of dropping banana. banana's recovery rate +100%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777신발^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



무형 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 후르츠 믹스를 떨군다.

when you kill formless monster, drops fruits mix at certain chance

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000




increase maxhp/maxsp by 4%

제련도가 4 이하일 때, 추가로 MAXHP, MAXSP 4% 씩 증가. HP 및 SP 회복력 5% 증가.

if refine is 4 or less, increase mhp/msp by additional 5%. hp/sp recovery increased by 5%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777신발^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



SP + 40.

제련도가 4 이하일 때, 추가로 SP + 40, Sp 회복력 5% 증가.

if refine is 4 or less, additional sp+40. sp recovery increased by 5%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777투구^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000




flee + 10

장비의 제련도가 4 이하일 때, 추가로 회피+10. 완전회피 + 1

if refine is 4 or less, addtional flee+20. perfect flee +1

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777걸칠것^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



Vit+1, MAXHP+10%

아놀리안, 드래곤테일, 머맨, 엘리게이터 카드와 함께 장착 시, Dex+5, 애로우 발칸 대미지 5% 증가, 뮤지컬 스트라이크, 화살감아 던지기 대미지 10% 증가.

when used with anolian, dragon tail, merman, alligator card, dex+5, increase arrow vulcan damage by 5%, musical strike/arrow sling damage increased by 10%

바드, 댄서가 착용 시, 물리 데미지를 입었을 때, 5% 확률로 적에게 오토스펠 타로카드 2스킬 사용.

when used by bard or dancer, on physical attack, 5% chance of auto spell tarot card lvl 2 on enemy

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777신발^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리 공격을 받았을 시, 30%의 확률로 적과 자신에게 혼란을 건다.

when you receive physical attack, 30% chance of casting chaos on you and enemy

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



HP+500, HP 회복력 10% 증가.

hp+500, hp recovery +10%

요선녀, 하피, 미야비인형, 혈호접 카드와 함께 착용 시, 헤븐즈 드라이브, 선더스톰의 대미지 10% 증가, Int+3

when used with evil nymph, harpy, miyabi doll, blood butterfly cards, heaven's drive, thunder storm damage +10%, int +3

세이지가 착용 시, 마법반사 확률 20% 증가, 몬스터를 죽일 때 마다 1% 확률로 레드젬스톤, 옐로우 젬스톤 드롭. 캐스팅 시간 20% 감소.

when used by sage, chance of reflecting magic +20%, when you kill a monster, 1% chance of dropping red or yellow gemstone. casting time reduced by 20%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리공격 시, 10%의 확률로 적에게 오토스펠 스펠 브레이커 1레벨 시전

on physical attack, 10% chance of casting autospell spellbreaker lvl 1 on enemy

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



용족 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 허브꿀차를 떨군다.

when you kill dragon monster, drops herb honey tea on certain chance

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



절대 동빙되지 않는다.

can not be frozen

마법 공격을 받았을 시, 5%의 확률로 랜드 프로텍션 1레벨 발동

when you recieve physical attack, 5% chance of casting land protection lvl 1

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



AGI가 자신의 순수 LUK/18 만큼 증가

agi increased by base luk/18

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리 공격을 받았을 시, 30%의 확률로 적과 자신에게 저주를 건다.

when you recieve physical attack, 30% chance of casting curse on you and enemy

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



몬스터 사망 시 일정 확률로 속성저항 포션이 드롭된다.

on monster's death, drops resist potions at certain chance

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



ATK + 5

적 공격 시, 5%의 확률로 출혈에 걸리게 한다.

when you attack enemy, 5% chance of bleed

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



천사형 몬스터를 잡았을 시, 일정 확률로 맛탕을 떨군다.

when you kill angel-type monsters, drops tasty-soup? at certain chance

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



천사형 몬스터를 잡았을 경우 일정 확률로 성수를 드롭한다.

when you kill angel-type monster, drops holy water at certain chance

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



악마형 몬스터를 잡았을 경우 일정 확률로 암수를 드롭한다.

when you kill demon-type monster, drops dark water at certain chance

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777악세사리^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



프리스트가 장착 시, 물리공격 시 1% 확률로 오토스펠 그랜드 크로스 5스킬 발동.

when used by priest, on physical attack, 1% chance of casting auto-spell grand cross lvl 5

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



Atk + 5

물리공격 시, 5%의 확률로 오토스펠 민첩성 감소 3레벨 시전

on physical attack, 5% chance of auto spell decrease agi lvl 3

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



인간형과 곤충형 몬스터에게서의 대미지 감소 20%

reduce damage from demi-human and insect by 20%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777방패^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



악마형과 천사형 몬스터에게서의 대미지 감소 20%

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777방패^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



마법공격 시, 암속성 적에게 3% 추가 마법 대미지

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



무기에 침투경 효과 부여

apply investigate on weapon

매 공격 시, SP 1소모.

on every attack, uses 1 sp

DEF-30, FLEE-30.

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리공격을 받았을 시, 5% 확률로 오토스펠 매혹의 윙크 발동

when you recieve physical attack, 5% chance of autospell wind of charm

댄서가 착용 시, 10% 확률로 발동

when used by dancer, 10% chance of autospell

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



회피 +10

flee +10

DEF -5

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



엘리엇 카드 옵션 미정

aliat card option undecided

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



키엘(보스) 카드 옵션 미정

kiel(boss) card option undecided

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리 공격을 받았을 시, 30%의 확률로 적과 자신에게 출혈을 건다.

on physical attack, 30% of bleed on you and enemy

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777갑옷^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



프루스 카드 옵션 미정

prus card option undecided

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



마법공격 시, 성속성 적에게 10% 추가 마법 대미지.

on magic attack, 10% additional magic damage against holy monsters

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000



물리공격 시 10% 확률로 오토스펠 디스펠 1레벨 발동

on physical attack, 10% chance of casting autospell dispel lvl 1

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000

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엠펠리움에게 25% 추가 대미지

25% addtional damage to emperium

계열 : ^777777카드^000000

장착 : ^777777무기^000000

무게 : ^7777771^000000


Oh no?! /gg

A chtÄl sem se zeptat : Jakýho nejvyÄÄí­ho (teoreticky) Perfect dodge se dá s equipem a staty dosáhnout? (konkrétnÄ např za Sina se dvÄma Fortune Swordama, 2x yoyo, chocko karta atd atd...) ;)

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No sice to sem vůbec, ale vůbec nepatří­ ..


luk 99 + 8 job + 2 bunny band + 3 baby leopard + 2x5 fortune sword + 5 crystal pumps + 2x1 rosary + 30 gloria = 99+60 luk

lucky dodge: 2x 20 fortune sword + 10 choco + 2x 5 yoyo

V tuhle chví­li to vychází­ na 71,9% lucky dodge. DalÄí­ zvednutí­ už asi jen perfect tablature od barda, která dává 5% lucky dodge a mají­ na ni vliv musical lessons a LUK barda. Mohlo by to dávat tak 5 + 5 + "blí­ž neurÄené Äí­slo", řekl bych 5~10. Celkem tedy něco kolem 90% lucky dodge.

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Neco pro monka? Fakt se mi nechce ztracet cas prohledavanim toho dlouhyho seznamu.


Edit: Nechapu, proc si sem davala korejskej original, kterymu stejne nikdo nerozumi ;)


Waste Stove Card

ATK + 5, INT + 1

[+ Rideword, Cookie & Seal]

• STR + 3, SP + 80.

• ATK + 25

• Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 1 Signum Crucis an enemy when attacking.

• Inflict 10% more damage with Asura Strike.

[Monk, Champion]

• Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 10%.

• Spell casting cannot be interrupted.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Venomous Card

Add a 30% chance of auto casting 'Poison' on an enemy and yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Noxious Card

Increase resistance to Neutral property attacks by 10%.

[Refine Rate 0~4]

Increase resistance to Neutral property attacks by an addtional 15%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Garment

Weight : 1


Pitman Card

Add a 30% chance of auto casting 'Blind' on an enemy and yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Ungoliant Card

Gain immunity to the External Bleeding status.

HP recovery + 10%

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1


Porcellio Card

ATK + 25

DEF - 5

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Obsidian Card

VIT is increased by your Base DEX/18

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Mineral Card

ATK - 25

DEF + 5

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Teddy Bear Card

Reduce damage from Ghost monsters by 30%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Shield

Weight : 1


Metaling Card

Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Strip Weapon on enemy when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


RSX 0806 Card

Vit + 3

Cannot be knocked back.

Make an armor indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Holden Card

LUK + 2

[+ Raggler, Zipper Bear, Muka & Baby Leopard]

• STR + 4

• Maximum HP + 7%

• Maximum SP + 7%

• Inflict 20% more damage with Mamonite.

• Gain 1 SP every time when doing Physical Attack on monsters.

[Alchemist, Creator]

• Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 1 Adrenaline Rush on the user when attacking.

• Add the chance of gaining "Glistening Coat" or "Stem" each time a monster is killed.

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1


Anopheles Card

Add the chance of gaining 'Tentacle and Cheese Gratin' each time a Insect monster is killed.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Hill Wind Card

INT is increased by your Base STR/18

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Egnigem Cenia Card

STR is increased by your Base INT/18

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Armeyer Dinze Card

Add the chance of gaining 'Clam Soup' each time a Fish monster is killed.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Wikebine Tres Card

Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Strip Armor on enemy when attacking.

[+ Stainer, Wanderer, Wild Rose & Shinobi]

• STR + 6

• AGI + 4

• Inflict 10% more damage with Back Stab.

• Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 5 Strip Armor on enemy when attacking if the user has mastered the skill at level 5.

[Rogue, Stalker]

• Wanderer cards Intimidate Auto-Spell will not function.

• Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 20%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Errende Ebecee Card

Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Pneuma on the user when receiving Physical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Laurell Weinder Card

Gain 10 HP and SP each time a monster is killed by a Magic Attack.

Drain 100 HP and SP as the armor is unequipped.

HP and SP recovery - 20%

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Kavach Icarus Card

DEX is increased by your Base VIT/18

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


General Egnigem Cenia Card

General Egnigem Cenia Card. Card Effect undecided.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Remover Card

HP + 800. Decreases the higher the Refine Rate.

HP Recovery + 20%

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Gemini-S58 Card

Add 30% resistance against Silance and Stun if the user has 90 or more base AGI points.

Add 50% resistance against Stone Curse and Sleep if the user has 80 or more base VIT points.

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1


Gremlin Card

Add the chance of gaining 'Bomber Steak' each time a Brute monster is killed.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Beholder Card

Enables use of Level 1 Cast Cancel.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Lord Knight Card

Enables use of Level 1 Berserk.

Inflict 50% more damage with Spear Boomerang.

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1


Seyren Windsor Card

Reduce damage from DemiHuman and Brute monsters by 20%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Shield

Weight : 1


Assassin Cross Card

Add a 1% chance of using a Poison Bottle and auto casting Level 3 Enchant Deadly Poison on the user when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Eremes Guile Card

Increase damage inflicted on the Emperium by 25%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Whitesmith Card

Add a 10% chance of breaking the enemy's weapon and a 7% chance of breaking the enemy's armor when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Howard Alt-Eisen Card

Decrease Attack Speed by 5%.

Accuracy + 40.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


High Priest Card

Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 4 Safety Wall on the user when receiving Physical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Margaretha Solin Card

INT + 1

Add a 15% chance of auto casting Level 5 Lex Divina on the enemy when receiving Magical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1


High Wizard Card

INT + 3

Ignore normal monster's Magic Defense when attacking.

Increase Casting Time by 100%.

Drain 2000 SP as the headgear is unequipped.

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1


Kathryne Keyron Card

Reduce Casting Time in % based on the Refine Rate of the Headgear.

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1


Sniper Card

Disable natural HP Recovery.

Enable a 5% chance of gaining 20% of the damage inflicted on an enemy as HP with each attack.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Cecil Damon Card

Increase Attack Speed by 5%.

Accuracy - 30.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Venatu Card

LUK is increased by your Base AGI/18

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Dimik Card

Reduce damage from Demon and Ghost monsters by 20%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Shield

Weight : 1


Archdam Card

ATK + 10

Increase Casting Time by 20%.

[+ Permeter, Freezer & Heater]

• INT + 1

• STR + 1

• DEF + 2

• SP Recovery + 10%

• Inflict 10% more damage with Shield Chain and Sacrifice.

• Decrease Casting Time by 10%.

[Crusader, Paladin]

• Blesses an Armor with the Holy property.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Bacsojin Card

Bacsojin Card. Card Effect undecided.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Chung E Card

Reduce damage from Demon and Brute monsters by 20%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Shield

Weight : 1


Vesper Card

Vesper Card. Card Effect undecided.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Orc Baby Card

Increase resistance to Neutral property attacks by 10%.

Flee Rate + 10.

[Refine Rate 9~10]

Increase resistance to Neutral property attacks by 5%.

Flee Rate + 5.

Class : Card

Compound on : Garment

Weight : 1


Lady Tany Card

Maximum HP - 50%

Maximum SP + 50%

Add a 2% chance of gaining 'Banana' each time a monster is killed.

Double Banana's recovery rate.

Class : Card

Compound on : Footgear

Weight : 1


그로브 Card - Grove Card - No Idea ^ (Monemus? Green Iguana?)

Add the chance of gaining 'Fruit Punch' item each time a Formless monster is killed.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Gold Acidus Card

Maximum HP and SP + 4%

[Refine Rate 0~4]

Maximum HP and SP + 5%

HP and SP Recovery + 5%

Class : Card

Compound on : Footgear

Weight : 1


Blue Acidus Card

SP + 40.

[Refine Rate 0~4]

SP + 40.

SP Recovery + 5%

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1


Red Ferus Card

Flee Rate + 10

[Refine Rate 0~4]

Flee Rate + 20

Perfect Dodge + 1

Class : Card

Compound on : Garment

Weight : 1


Green Ferus Card

VIT + 1

Maximum HP + 10%

[+ Merman, Anolian, Alligator & Dragon Tail]

• DEX + 5

• Inflict 5% more damage with Arrow Vulcan and inflict 10% more damage with Musical Strike and Throw Arrow.

[bard, Dancer, Clown, Gypsy]

Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 2 Tarot Card of Fate on the enemy when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Footgear

Weight : 1


Yellow Novus Card

Add a 30% chance of auto casting 'Chaos' on an enemy and yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Red Novus Card

HP + 500

HP Recovery + 10%

[+ Miyabi Doll, Evil Nymph, Harpy & Bloody Butterfly]

• INT + 3

• Inflict 10% more damage with Heaven's Drive and Thunder Storm.

[sage, Professor]

• Reflect single target Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 20%).

• Add a 1% chance of gaining 'Red Gemstone' or 'Yellow Gemstone' item each time a monster is killed.

• Reduce Casting Time by 20%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Hydro Card

Add a 10% chance of auto casting Level 1 Spell Breaker on the enemy when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Dragon Egg Card

Add the chance of gaining 'Herb and Honey Tea' item each time a Dragon monster is killed.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Detale Card

Gain protection from the Frozen status.

Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Land Protector when the user receives Physical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Ancient Mimic Card

AGI is increased by your Base LUK/18

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Deathword Card

Add a 30% chance of auto casting 'Curse' on an enemy and yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Plasma Card

Add the chance of gaining 'Elemental Resist Potion' each time a monster is killed.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Breeze Card

ATK + 5

Add a 5% chance of auto casting 'External Bleeding' when attacking the enemy.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Retribution Card

Add the chance of gaining 'Fried Sweet Potato with Syrup' each time a Angel monster is killed.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Observation Card

Add the chance of gaining 'Holy Water' each time a Angel monster is killed.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Shelter Card

Add the chance of gaining 'Cursed Water' each time a Demon monster is killed.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Solace Card

[Priest, High Priest]

Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 5 Grand Cross when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Thanatos Maero Card

ATK + 5

Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 3 Decrease Agility when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Thanatos Odium Card

Reduce damage from DemiHuman and Insect monsters by 20%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Shield

Weight : 1


Thanatos Despero Card

Reduce damage from Demon and Angel monsters by 20%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Shield

Weight : 1


Thanatos Dolor Card

Increase damage of magic attacks inflicted on Shadow property by 3%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Thanatos Card

무기에 침투경 효과 부여

apply investigate on weapon


Drain 1 SP each time the user is attacking.

DEF - 30, Flee Rate - 30.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Aliza Card

Add a 5% chance of auto casting Wink of Charm on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.

[Dancer, Gypsy]

Auto cast chance increases to 10%

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Alicel Card

Flee Rate + 10

DEF - 5

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Aliot Card

Aliot Card. Card Effect undecided.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Kiel D-01 Card

Kiel D-01 Card. Card Effect undecided.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Skogul Card

Add a 30% chance of auto casting 'External Bleeding' on an enemy and yourself when the user receives Physical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Armor

Weight : 1


Frus Card

Frus Card. Card Effect undecided.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Skeggiold Card

Increase damage of magic attacks inflicted on Holy property by 10%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Valkyrie Randgris Card

Add a 10% chance of auto casting Level 1 Dispell when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1

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korejsky to vypada duleziteji :-)... navic, kdyz sem to postovala z jednoho nahodne nasleho topicu.. tak tam jeste anglicky preklad ouplny nebyl .-P


edit: navic ten preklad asi nebude tak zcela spravny... Green Ferus Card combo je neproveditelna.. kdyz merman a green ferus oboje jdou do footgearu O_o

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Lord Knight Card

Enables use of Level 1 Berserk.

Inflict 50% more damage with Spear Boomerang.

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1


Seyren Windsor Card

Reduce damage from DemiHuman and Brute monsters by 20%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Shield

Weight : 1

Assassin Cross Card

Add a 1% chance of using a Poison Bottle and auto casting Level 3 Enchant Deadly Poison on the user when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Eremes Guile Card

Increase damage inflicted on the Emperium by 25%.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1

Whitesmith Card

Add a 10% chance of breaking the enemy's weapon and a 7% chance of breaking the enemy's armor when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Howard Alt-Eisen Card

Decrease Attack Speed by 5%.

Accuracy + 40.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1

High Priest Card

Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 4 Safety Wall on the user when receiving Physical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Accessory

Weight : 1


Margaretha Solin Card

INT + 1

Add a 15% chance of auto casting Level 5 Lex Divina on the enemy when receiving Magical Damage.

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1

High Wizard Card

INT + 3

Ignore normal monster's Magic Defense when attacking.

Increase Casting Time by 100%.

Drain 2000 SP as the headgear is unequipped.

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1


Kathryne Keyron Card

Reduce Casting Time in % based on the Refine Rate of the Headgear.

Class : Card

Compound on : Headgear

Weight : 1

Sniper Card

Disable natural HP Recovery.

Enable a 5% chance of gaining 20% of the damage inflicted on an enemy as HP with each attack.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Cecil Damon Card

Increase Attack Speed by 5%.

Accuracy - 30.

Class : Card

Compound on : Weapon

Weight : 1


Muze mi nekdo nastinit, jaky je rozdil, mezi temahle dvojcema karet?

Imho se to tyka jednech monster.


edit: aj, uplne sem zapomel ze tam ma byt este boss :confused1:

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Slepej :confused1:


Red Novus Card
HP + 500
HP Recovery + 10%
[+ Miyabi Doll, Evil Nymph, Harpy & Bloody Butterfly]
• INT + 3
• Inflict 10% more damage with Heaven's Drive and Thunder Storm.
[Sage, Professor]
• Reflect single target Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 20%).
• Add a 1% chance of gaining 'Red Gemstone' or 'Yellow Gemstone' item each time a monster is killed.
• Reduce Casting Time by 20%.
Class : Card
Compound on : Armor
Weight : 1

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Green Ferus Card

VIT + 1

Maximum HP + 10%

[+ Merman, Anolian, Alligator & Dragon Tail]

• DEX + 5

• Inflict 5% more damage with Arrow Vulcan and inflict 10% more damage with Musical Strike and Throw Arrow.

[bard, Dancer, Clown, Gypsy]

Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 2 Tarot Card of Fate on the enemy when attacking.

Class : Card

Compound on : Footgear

Weight : 1



no jen me napadlo to budou dvou slotove botky vsak merman je take do bot :clap: ¨

a nebo je tam chyba a Green Ferus bude na hlavu pak omg co dela 10% hp :))

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